BJ Burke
Hometown : Kettering, OH
PDGA # : 52091
January 2025 PDGA Rating : 922
I've played for : 25
Division : MA40
"Who introduced me to the sport of Disc Golf?
My best friend in high school. He handed me something like a DX Shark and we played Blendon Woods in Columbus. Been hooked ever since."
"What is your biggest Disc Golf accomplishment? Your most proud moment in the sport?
President of the DDGA for 4 years and raising over $20k for charity in that time."
"Whats your favorite disc color to throw?
"What weight drivers do you like to throw?
168 - 172"
"What one disc do you throw the farthest? Pure distance
Star Roadrunner"
"What do you putt with?
Classic Aviar"
"What course did you fall in love with Disc Golf on?
Brent Hambrick Memorial DGC (Hoover)"
"Whats the Tournament you circle on the calendar 1st as a cant miss?
Echo Valley Open, Hazy BYOP, Ohio Masters"
"In one sentence or less, tell us one interesting thing about you not disc golf related?
I once lived in a hospital for 2 weeks eating the same hospital meals everyday as a control subject in a medical research project."
"Tell us about your Tournament Day routine and if you carry any lucky charms?
If it's a shotgun start, I try to get there an hour early; 1/2 hour for tee times since the course isn't available. I'm not a breakfast person, but I'll usually stop for an iced coffee thing and a banana for a little energy. I start with 10min of stretching then warm up by throwing some putter and mid-range approach shots. I try to focus on my timing and being smooth, not power. If the course is open, I try to practice my first few holes. They say you can't win a tournament on your first hole, but you can lose it, so I try to prepare for a solid start and build a round from there. "
"When you play a new course for a tournament what is your plan of action. Play it blind, walk some holes, get the details from a card mate? Tell us how you attack a new course.
If I can avoid it, I never play a course blind. Knowledge is power; some holes can be deceiving off the tee - invisible branches, terrain that distorts distance, unseen danger (water, OB) by the green, etc. - why put myself in a hole if I don't have to? I try to get in a practice round the day before the tournament if I can. If I can't I'll at least try to walk the course the morning of or, at the very least try to watch a video or pictures. "